Bihar Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad Recruitment 2010

Bihar Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad Recruitment 2010 -

Bihar Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad Recruitment 2010 Details are as follows:

  1. Accountant : 02 posts
  2. Asst. Programme Officer : 11 posts in various disciplines
  3. Cashier : 02 posts
  4. Chief Accounts Officer : 01 post
  5. Executive (Commerce) : 20 posts
  6. Stenographer (English) : 02 posts
  7. Stenographer (Hindi) : 05 posts
  8. Store Keeper : 01 post

Application Fee : DD of Rs.300/- in favour of Project Director, Bihar Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad payable at Patna.
Submission of application form:
Last date for receipt of application form: 27/09/2010 to the following address:
Dr. Sarita Singh
Deptt. of Human Resouces Development,
GoB, New Secretariate,
Vikas Bhawan,
For Complete Information :       CLICK HERE
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