UPSC Enforcement Officers EPFO Answer Key, Cutoff Analysis 2017

UPSC answer key for Enforcement officers and EPFO account officers 2017. UPSC has conducted the Exam for recruitment of account officers and enforcement officers with EPFO at various exam center in India for year 2017.

Question paper for EPFO Exam conducted for Enforcement officers and account officers 2017 with answer key are :

Exam were conducted for various section with two hours duration related to various subjects which are :

  • General English.
  • Indian Freedom Struggle.
  • Current Events and Developmental Issues.
  • Indian Polity & Economy.
  • General Accounting Principles.
  • Industrial Relations & Labour Laws.
  • General Science & knowledge of Computer applications.
  • General Mental Ability & Quantitative Aptitude.
  • Social Security in India.

  • The Various vacancies categories wise for the UPSC Account officers and Enforcement officers are :
    NameCategoryNo. of posts
    UPSC Enforcement officer/Accounts officer Cutoff Marks.General.137 Vacancies.
    Enforcement officer/Accounts officer Cut off Marks.Other Backward Classes.84 Vacancies.
    UPSC Enforcement officer/Accounts officer Cutoff 2017.Sechduled Tribes.06 Vacancies.
    Enforcement officer/Accounts officer Cutoff marks 2017.Sechduled Castes.30 Vacancies.

    UPSC also provide the answer key for the account officer and enforcement officers through their online website following the below procedure :

    1. Visit the UPSC website
    2. Check for the link in Right sidebar for answer key
    3. Download the answer key for the EPFO exam 2017
    4. Answer key are uploaded after two weeks approximately

    The question paper was easier side and the cutoff would naturally be at higher. It is believe that like previous year cutoff would be near about 84+ for general category. All those who scored more than 90 with accuracy may prepare for interview.

    Answer key for the UPSC EPFO enforcement officers will be available soon.
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